The Authors Fund
Stanford University Press authors can donate all or part of their earned royalties to the Stanford Authors Fund. This fund underwrites a portion of the production costs of outstanding books from first-time authors. SUP is proud to promote this important part of our publishing mission, and equally proud of the support of our authors for this program.
If you are an SUP author and wish to join the program, please complete the royalty assignment form. Any book benefiting from this fund will include an acknowledgement on the copyright page.
Authors Fund Recipients
- Bedouin Bureaucrats: Mobility and Property in the Ottoman Empire, by Nora Elizabeth Barakat, 2023
- The Ends of Paradise: Race, Extraction, and the Struggle for Black Life in Honduras, by Christopher Loperena, 2022
- Sextarianism: Sovereignty, Secularism, and the State in Lebanon, by Maya Mikdashi, 2022
- Lawful Sins: Abortion Rights and Reproductive Governance in Mexico, by Elyse Ona Singer, 2022
- The Hijacked War: The Story of Chinese POWs in the Korean War, by David Cheng Chang, 2020
- History in Financial Times, by Amin Samman, 2019
- City of Black Gold: Oil, Ethnicity, and the Making of Modern Kirkuk, by Arbella Bet-Shlimon, 2019
- Ordinary Unhappiness: The Therapeutic Fiction of David Foster Wallace, by John Baskin, 2019
- Iran Reframed: Anxieties of Power in the Islamic Republic, by Narges Bajoghli, 2019
- Race and Upward Mobility: Seeking, Gatekeeping, and Other Class Strategies in Postwar America, by Elda María Román, 2017
- The Work of Art in the Age of Deindustrialization, by Jasper Bernes, 2017
- What Money Wants: An Economy of Desire, by Noam Yuran, 2014
- Blinded by Sight: Seeing Race Through the Eyes of the Blind, by Osagie K. Obasogie, 2013
In the news:
The following authors have generously donated their royalties to this fund. We are very grateful for their contributions.
Ann Anagnost
Silvia M. Arrom
Mike Ashby
Edward Aspinall
Victor Bailey
Gianpaolo Baiocchi
David J. Baker
Samuel Baron
Linda Bartholomew
Shuli Barzilai
Edward Beatty
Markus Becker
Yvonne Bell
Tanya Andrea Birkeland
Sarah Brouillette
Marshall Brown
Judith Bruce
John Bugg
Yongshun Cai
Erin G. Carlston
Linda H. Chance
Maria Charles
Shuang Chen
Jean Fetter Chu
Jeffrey A. Cole
Alyson M. Cole
Alice L. Conklin
Michael Coppedge
Richard Cottle
Larry Cuban
Jonathan Culler
Mary Daly
Deborah Davis
Janelli Dawnhee
Jennifer Deger
Paul Drake
Boyce Drummond
Margaret L. Eaton
Leonard Edwards (Trustee of John Henry Merryman Trust)
David Ellenson
Virginia E Fehrenbacher
George Fisher
Paul Fleming
David John Frank
Sara Friedman
Bruce Fuller
Michael Gasper
Ido Geiger
Jeff Goodwin
Christine Guth
Michael A. Haedicke
Donald Harris
Leslie T. Hatamiya
William B. Hauser
Julie Candler Hayes
Robert E. Hegel
Christian Henriot
Laura E. Hess
David S. P. Hopkins
Rebecca Horn
Christine Horne
Gregg Horowitz
Leonard A. Humphreys
Sarah Kay
Samira Kawash
Alexander Kelle
Righard Kernaghan
Sun Joo Kim
Paul Kingston
Jeffrey Knopf
Nancy Shields Kollmann
Catherine Komisaruk
Paul A. Kottman
Douglas Kyle
Paul Lacey
Kevin Lamb
Christopher Lee
Robert C. Leitz III
Timothy Lenoir
David Michael Levin
Ioannis Lianos
Vincent Lloyd
Richard Lyman
Iona Man-Cheong
Carol Marburger
Emily Martin
Shelly Matthews
David McCreery
Joseph R. McElrath
Hugh Mehan
Michael Naas
Doris Namala
Michal Onderco
Wil Pansters
Irina Paperno
Joseph N. Perillo
James Andrew Phillips
Bianka Pietrow-Ennker
Brian K. Pinaire
Karen Pinkus
David Plath
Nancy Postero
Kathy Psomiades
Justin J W. Powell
Eric Quint
Catherine Raissiguier
Fabio Rambelli
Palmer Rampell
Mary Backus Rankin
Ian Read
Rene Reeves
Marilyn Reizbaum
Paul W. Rhode
Janelli Roger
Joshua L. Rosenbloom
Robert S. Ross
Wendy Roth
Wendy Roworth
Dana Sajdi
Andreas Savvides
Phil Schoggen
Rachel Scott
Paul S. Seaver
Vikash Singh
Kazuko Smith
Laurence D. Smith
Robert J. Smith
Charles C. Snow
Kenneth Stow
Myra H. Strober
Carola E. Suarez-Orozco
Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco
William E. Sundstrom
Richard Swedberg
Shahla Talebi
Wenfang Tang
Susan Thorne
Marta Tienda
Linda Klebe Trevino
Franklin Tugwell
William E. Underwood
Mariana Valverde
Whitney Walton
Feng Wang
Michelle Warren
Evan Watkins
Thomas Weiss
Benjamin Widiss
Penny Williamson
David Wolff
Charles Duncan Wright
Pauline Yu
Xueguang Zhou