'Law in Many Societies' Book Cover

Law in Many Societies

A Reader
Edited by Lawrence M. Friedman, Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo, and Manuel A. Gómez
Imprint: Stanford Law Books
April 2011
336 Pages
Hardcover ISBN: 9780804763738
Paperback ISBN: 9780804763745
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This law and society reader taps a rich and diverse literature to compare and contrast the legal experience of many different cultures and nations. Drawing on a variety of methodological approaches, the selections allow students to evaluate whether there are general patterns that explain how legal systems work (or fail to work) and how these patterns relate to the structural and cultural facts of society.

Every country, of course, has its own legal system, and no two systems are the same. But in teaching law and society, texts have focused nearly exclusively on American readings to the neglect of comparative and international work. This reader fills an obvious gap. It recognizes that law is increasingly global and cross-national, and shows how law relates to society in different times and places, the world over.

"This very significant textbook fills a gap that law and society teachers have perceived for a long time. It usefully presents theory and observation as intrinsically connected and acknowledges the importance of observation for the sake of theorizing. The volume is valuable and will certainly arouse interest in the field."—Vincenzo Ferrari, University of Milan

"Law in Many Societies is an exciting and unique cross-national collaboration reflecting current global concerns and influences. Distinctive in its presentation of materials that highlight law and society organizations, networks, and publications around the world, it promises to make a strong impact within the United States and beyond."—David M. Engel, State University of New York, University at Buffalo

"This stimulating volume is a real winner. With smart ideas, sharp editors, and top-rate scholarly contributions, it shines as an important contribution to the law and society and comparative law literature."—Eric Feldman, University of Pennsylvania

Lawrence M. Friedman is Marion Rice Kirkwood Professor of Law at Stanford University. Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo is Professor of Law and Dean at the Universidad Metropolitana in Venezuela. Manuel A. Gómez is Associate Professor of Law at Florida International University.
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