Volumes 14 and 15 of the Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche (Volumes 10 and 11 of the KSA) together comprise Nietzsche’s unpublished fragments from July 1882 to Autumn 1885, which correspond to Part VII of the KGW. The fragments are preserved in thirty-six manuscripts, specifically in twenty-one notebooks in larger format, twelve notebooks, and three looseleaf binders.
The organizing principles that govern the publication of Nietzsche’s unpublished fragments are set forth in the Preliminary Note to CW 10.
In addition, the following comments concerning Volumes 14 and 15 of CW should be noted. The manuscripts from the period July 1882 to Autumn 1885 include preliminary work on the four parts of Thus Spoke Zarathustra; drafts, outlines, and fragments that have to do with parts of this work that were not included; extensive collections of sayings that in many cases relate to work on Z; and notes that — in literary terms — have no relation to Z (the latter make up approximately half of the complete material; they were published as a small part of the notebooks related to Beyond Good and Evil [and included in CW 16]). All of these notes are being published as Z-fragment literary remains, which precede the actual early drafts and final clean copies of each part of Z. Yet since Nietzsche, each time after completing a part of Z, recopied a large number of the previous notes that he hadn’t used into new notebooks, often without changing anything, it was impossible to avoid the repetition of certain notes — although in differing contexts.
Volume 14 of CW corresponds to Volume VII/1 of the KGW (Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1977) and thus contains the fragments from July 1882 to Winter 1883–84. Nietzsche’s Tautenburg Notes for Lou von Salomé (July–August 1882) are published with the kind permission of Dr. (Honorary) Ernst Pfeiffer (Göttingen).
There is no Afterword by Giorgio Colli for Volume 14.
Editorial Note to Volume 14
Unless another volume in the CW is cited, all cross-references to fragments in the notes are references to fragments in this volume. In cases where a cross-reference to a fragment is followed by a number (e.g., 5[1] 22), this indicates that the reference is to the sentence or paragraph numbered 22 in fragment 5[1]. In cases where a cross-reference to a fragment is followed by an underline and a number (e.g., 22[1]_547), this indicates that the reference is to a passage in fragment 22[1] that appears on page 547 of this volume.
In cases where the format of a fragment in this volume differs significantly from the format of the fragment as it appears in KSA, we have chosen to follow as closely as possible the format of the fragment as it appears in Nietzsche’s handwritten notebooks.