Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators
Ba, Alice D.
(Re)Negotiating East and Southeast Asia: Region, Regionalism, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Babayan, Kathryn
The City as Anthology: Eroticism and Urbanity in Early Modern Isfahan
Babb, Florence
The Tourism Encounter: Fashioning Latin American Nations and Histories
Babb, Sarah
Regulating Human Research: IRBs from Peer Review to Compliance Bureaucracy
Babcock, Barbara
Woman Lawyer: The Trials of Clara Foltz
Babones, Salvatore
BRICS or Bust?
Babül, Elif M.
Bureaucratic Intimacies: Translating Human Rights in Turkey
Baca Zinn, Maxine
Moving from the Margins: Life Histories on Transforming the Study of Racism
Backus, Robert L.
[Translated by]
The Riverside Counselor’s Stories: Vernacular Fiction of Late Heian Japan
Baconi, Tareq
Hamas Contained: A History of Palestinian Resistance
Badie, Bertrand
The Imported State: The Westernization of the Political Order
Badiou, Alain
Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism
Handbook of Inaesthetics
Badiou by Badiou
Badran, Margot
Gender and Islam in Africa: Rights, Sexuality, and Law
Baecker, Dirk
Problems of Form
Baecker, Dirk
[Translated by]
Social Systems
Baehr, Peter
Hannah Arendt, Totalitarianism, and the Social Sciences
Baer, George W.
One Hundred Years of Sea Power: The U. S. Navy, 1890-1990
Baer, Marc David
The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks
Baer, Morley
Stones of the Sur: Poetry by Robinson Jeffers, Photographs by Morley Baer
California Plain: Remembering Barns
Baer, Ulrich
Remnants of Song: Trauma and the Experience of Modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan
Baeza, Cristian C.
Beyond Survival: Protecting Households from Health Shocks in Latin America
Bailey, Christian
German Jews in Love: A History
Bailey, Stanley R.
Legacies of Race: Identities, Attitudes, and Politics in Brazil
Bailey, Victor
‘This Rash Act’: Suicide Across the Life Cycle in the Victorian City
Baily, Samuel L.
Secondary Cities of Argentina: The Social History of Corrientes, Salta, and Mendoza, 1850-1910
Baiocchi, Gianpaolo
Militants and Citizens: The Politics of Participatory Democracy in Porto Alegre
Bootstrapping Democracy: Transforming Local Governance and Civil Society in Brazil
Popular Democracy: The Paradox of Participation
Bair, Jennifer
Frontiers of Commodity Chain Research
Bajoghli, Narges
Iran Reframed: Anxieties of Power in the Islamic Republic
How Sanctions Work: Iran and the Impact of Economic Warfare
Bajorek, Jennifer
Counterfeit Capital: Poetic Labor and Revolutionary Irony
Baker, Cynthia M.
Rebuilding the House of Israel: Architectures of Gender in Jewish Antiquity
Baker, David J.
Between Nations: Shakespeare, Spenser, Marvell, and the Question of Britain
Baker, David
National Differences, Global Similarities: World Culture and the Future of Schooling
On Demand: Writing for the Market in Early Modern England
The Schooled Society: The Educational Transformation of Global Culture
Baker, David P.
Global Mega-Science: Universities, Research Collaborations, and Knowledge Production
Baker, J. M.
[Translated by]
Unpublished Fragments from the Period of Dawn (Winter 1879/80–Spring 1881): Volume 13
Baker, Keith M.
What’s Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question
Baker, Keith Michael
Scripting Revolution: A Historical Approach to the Comparative Study of Revolutions
Baker, William F.
Organizations for People: Caring Cultures, Basic Needs, and Better Lives
Bal, Mieke
The Mottled Screen: Reading Proust Visually
Bal, Mieke
The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation
The Rhetoric of Sincerity
Balbuena, Monique
Homeless Tongues: Poetry and Languages of the Sephardic Diaspora
Baldridge, Bianca J.
Reclaiming Community: Race and the Uncertain Future of Youth Work
Baldwin, John
Paris, 1200
Balfour, Ian
The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy
Balloffet, Lily Pearl
Argentina in the Global Middle East
Balogun, Oluwakemi M.
Beauty Diplomacy: Embodying an Emerging Nation
Bandelj, Nina
The Cultural Wealth of Nations
Banister, Judith
China’s Changing Population
Banks, Patricia A.
Black Culture, Inc.: How Ethnic Community Support Pays for Corporate America
Bann, Stephen
[Translated by]
Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
Bano, Masooda
Breakdown in Pakistan: How Aid Is Eroding Institutions for Collective Action
Banzhaf, Spencer
The Political Economy of Environmental Justice
Baoqi, Qin
The Origins of the Tiandihui: The Chinese Triads in Legend and History
Baptandier, Brigitte
The Lady of Linshui: A Chinese Female Cult
Barakat, Nora
Bedouin Bureaucrats: Mobility and Property in the Ottoman Empire
Baranski, John
Housing the City by the Bay: Tenant Activism, Civil Rights, and Class Politics in San Francisco
Baranyi, Stephen
The Paradoxes of Peacebuilding Post-9/11
Barash, David P.
Marmots: Social Behavior and Ecology
Barbaras, Renaud
Desire and Distance: Introduction to a Phenomenology of Perception
Barbas, Samantha
Laws of Image: Privacy and Publicity in America
Newsworthy: The Supreme Court Battle over Privacy and Press Freedom
Barbieri, Magali
Reconfiguring Families in Contemporary Vietnam
Barbour, Allen
Caring for Patients: A Critique of the Medical Model
Bardini, Thierry
Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and the Origins of Personal Computing
Barickman, B. J.
A Bahian Counterpoint: Sugar, Tobacco, Cassava, and Slavery in the Recôncavo, 1780-1860
Barison, David
[Translated by]
Acting Out
Bark, Carroll
Origins of the Medieval World
Barkan, Elazar
Prehistories of the Future: The Primitivist Project and the Culture of Modernism
Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation
Barkan, Leonard
Transuming Passion: Ganymede and the Erotics of Humanism
Barker, Stephen
[Translated by]
Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation
Technics and Time, 3: Cinematic Time and the Question of Malaise
Testing the Limit: Derrida, Henry, Levinas, and the Phenomenological Tradition
Barlow, Jeffrey G.
From Hot War to Cold: The U.S. Navy and National Security Affairs, 1945-1955
Barman, Emily
Contesting Communities: The Transformation of Workplace Charity
Barman, Roderick J.
Brazil: The Forging of a Nation, 1798-1852
Barman, Roderick J.
Citizen Emperor: Pedro II and the Making of Brazil, 1825-1891
Barnes, Jeb
Overruled?: Legislative Overrides, Pluralism, and Contemporary Court-Congress Relations
Barnes, Thomas Garden
Shaping the Common Law: From Glanvill to Hale, 1188-1688
Barnett, Bill
The Strategic Career: Let Business Principles Guide You
Barney, Richard A.
Plots of Enlightenment: Education and the Novel in Eighteenth-Century England
Baron, Beth
The Orphan Scandal: Christian Missionaries and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood
Baron, Naomi S.
Who Wrote This?: How AI and the Lure of Efficiency Threaten Human Writing
Baron, Samuel H.
Bloody Saturday in the Soviet Union: Novocherkassk, 1962
Barr, Patrick John
[Translated by]
Allies yet Rivals: International Politics in 18th Century Europe
Barrass, Gordon S.
The Great Cold War: A Journey Through the Hall of Mirrors
Barrett, David P.
Chinese Collaboration with Japan, 1932-1945: The Limits of Accommodation
Barrett, Michèle
Destabilizing Theory: Contemporary Feminist Debates
Barrett, Rhodes
[Translated by]
Theory of Society, Volume 1
Theory of Society, Volume 2
Bartfeld, Judith
SNAP Matters: How Food Stamps Affect Health and Well-Being
Bartholomew, Mark
Adcreep: The Case Against Modern Marketing
Bartky, Ian R.
Selling the True Time: Nineteenth-Century Timekeeping in America
One Time Fits All: The Campaigns for Global Uniformity
Barton, John H.
International Law and the Future of Freedom
Baruah, Sanjib
In the Name of the Nation: India and Its Northeast
Barzegar, Abbas
Islamism: Contested Perspectives on Political Islam
Barzilai, Shuli
Lacan and the Matter of Origins
Bashi Treitler, Vilna Francine
Survival of the Knitted: Immigrant Social Networks in a Stratified World
Bashi Treitler, Vilna
The Ethnic Project: Transforming Racial Fiction into Ethnic Factions
Bashkin, Orit
The Other Iraq: Pluralism and Culture in Hashemite Iraq
New Babylonians: A History of Jews in Modern Iraq
Impossible Exodus: Iraqi Jews in Israel
Baskes, Jeremy
Indians, Merchants, and Markets: A Reinterpretation of the
and Spanish-Indian Economic Relations in Colonial Oaxaca, 1750-1821
Staying Afloat: Risk and Uncertainty in Spanish Atlantic World Trade, 1760-1820
Baskin, Jon
Ordinary Unhappiness: The Therapeutic Fiction of David Foster Wallace
Basrur, Rajesh M.
Minimum Deterrence and India’s Nuclear Security
Bass, Alan
Difference and Disavowal: The Trauma of Eros
Interpretation and Difference: The Strangeness of Care
Batchis, Wayne
The Right’s First Amendment: The Politics of Free Speech & the Return of Conservative Libertarianism
Bate, Bernard
Protestant Textuality and the Tamil Modern
Bates, Milton J.
Sur Plusieurs Beaux Sujects: Wallace Stevens’ Commonplace Book
Bateson, Gregory
Naven: A Survey of the Problems suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New Guinea Tribe drawn from Three Points of View
Bauch, Nicholas
Enchanting the Desert
Baudrillard, Jean
Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings: Second Edition
The Illusion of the End
Baughman, John
Common Ground: Committee Politics in the U.S. House of Representatives
Baum, Joel A.C.
Epinets: The Epistemic Structure and Dynamics of Social Networks
Bauman, Zygmunt
Mortality, Immortality, and Other Life Strategies
Bawalsa, Nadim
Transnational Palestine: Migration and the Right of Return before 1948
Baxstrom, Richard
Houses in Motion: The Experience of Place and the Problem of Belief in Urban Malaysia
Baxter, Hugh
Habermas: The Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy
Baxter, Janeen
Reconfigurations of Class and Gender
Bay, Edna G.
Women in Africa: Studies in Social and Economic Change
Bayat, Asef
Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn
Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East, Second Edition
Revolution without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring
Bays, Daniel
China’s Christian Colleges: Cross-Cultural Connections, 1900-1950
Bays, Daniel H.
Christianity in China: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present
Beaglehole, J. C.
The Life of Captain James Cook
Beale, Marjorie A.
The Modernist Enterprise: French Elites and the Threat of Modernity, 1900-1940
Beamish, Anne
Learning from Work: Designing Organizations for Learning and Communication
Beamish, Thomas D.
Community at Risk: Biodefense and the Collective Search for Security
Bear, Laura
Navigating Austerity: Currents of Debt along a South Asian River
Beard, T. Randolph
The Global Organ Shortage: Economic Causes, Human Consequences, Policy Responses
Beardsworth, Richard
[Translated by]
The Confession of Augustine
Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus
Beasley, W. G.
The Meiji Restoration
Beasley, W. G.
The Meiji Restoration
Beatty, Edward
Institutions and Investment: The Political Basis of Industrialization in Mexico Before 1911
Beck, Ulrich
Reflexive Modernization: Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order
Becker, Jo
Campaigning for Justice: Human Rights Advocacy in Practice
Campaigning for Children: Strategies for Advancing Children's Rights
Becker, Markus
The Entrepreneur: Classic Texts by Joseph A. Schumpeter
Beckman, Christine M.
Dreams of the Overworked: Living, Working, and Parenting in the Digital Age
Beckman, Frida
The Paranoid Chronotope: Power, Truth, Identity
Bedecarré, Madeline
[Translated by]
The Sociology of Literature
Bednarz, John
[Translated by]
Social Systems
Beeler, John F.
British Naval Policy in the Gladstone-Disraeli Era, 1866-1880
Befort, Stephen F.
Invisible Hands, Invisible Objectives: Bringing Workplace Law and Public Policy Into Focus
Behler, Ernst
Behlmer, George K.
Risky Shores: Savagery and Colonialism in the Western Pacific
Behlmer, George K.
Singular Continuities: Tradition, Nostalgia, and Identity in Modern British Culture
Behrens, Alfredo
Culture and Management in the Americas
Behrouzan, Orkideh
Prozak Diaries: Psychiatry and Generational Memory in Iran
Beil, Kim
Good Pictures
Bein, Amit
Ottoman Ulema, Turkish Republic: Agents of Change and Guardians of Tradition
Beinin, Joel
Workers and Thieves
Beinin, Joel
The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005
Social Movements, Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa: Second Edition
A Critical Political Economy of the Middle East and North Africa
Bejarano, Ana María
The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes
Bélanger, Danièle
Reconfiguring Families in Contemporary Vietnam
Belco, Michelle
The Dual Executive: Unilateral Orders in a Separated and Shared Power System
Bell, Lynda S.
One Industry, Two Chinas: Silk Filatures and Peasant-Family Production in Wuxi County, 1865-1937
Bell, Stephen
A Life in Shadow: Aimé Bonpland in Southern South America, 1817–1858
Bell, Susan Groag
Women, the Family, and Freedom
Bell, Susan Groag
Women, the Family, and Freedom: The Debate in Documents, Volume I, 1750-1880
Ben-Shai, Roy
Critique of Critique
Benbassa, Esther
Israel, the Impossible Land
Bender, John
The Culture of Diagram
Ends of Enlightenment
Bender, John
The Ends of Rhetoric: History, Theory, Practice
Regimes of Description: In the Archive of the Eighteenth Century
Bender, Shawn
Feeling Machines: Japanese Robotics and the Global Entanglements of More-Than-Human Care
Bendoly, Elliot
Strategic ERP Extension and Use
Benedict, Carol
Bubonic Plague in Nineteenth-Century China
Benei, Véronique
Schooling Passions: Nation, History, and Language in Contemporary Western India
Benjamin, Ruha
People's Science: Bodies and Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier
Benjamin, Walter
Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition
Bennett, Jill
Empathic Vision: Affect, Trauma, and Contemporary Art
Bennett, Nate
Riding Shotgun: The Role of the COO, Updated Edition
Bennett, Nathan
Your Career Game: How Game Theory Can Help You Achieve Your Professional Goals
Bennett, Robert W.
Taming the Electoral College
Bennington, Geoffrey
[Translated by]
The Inhuman: Reflections on Time
Bennis, Warren
[Foreword by]
Leading with Sense: The Intuitive Power of Savoir-Relier
Benson, Bruce
Self-Determination: The Other Path for Native Americans
Benson, Keith R.
The Life Sciences in Eighteenth-Century French Thought
Benson, Peter
Broccoli and Desire: Global Connections and Maya Struggles in Postwar Guatemala
Berber, Nadjib ,
Berda, Yael
Living Emergency
Bergelson, Vera
Victims' Rights and Victims' Wrongs: Comparative Liability in Criminal Law
Berger, Harry
Making Trifles of Terrors: Redistributing Complicities in Shakespeare
Fictions of the Pose: Rembrandt Against the Italian Renaissance
The Absence of Grace: Sprezzatura and Suspicion in Two Renaissance Courtesy Books
Berger, Joseph
Theoretical Research Programs: Studies in the Growth of Theory
Status, Network, and Structure: Theory Development in Group Processes
Bergère, Marie-Claire
Sun Yat-sen
Shanghai: China's Gateway to Modernity
Bergo, Bettina
[Translated by]
Of God Who Comes to Mind
God, Death, and Time
On Escape: De l’évasion
The Unthought Debt: Heidegger and the Hebraic Heritage
Berkowitz, Alan J.
Patterns of Disengagement: The Practice and Portrayal of Reclusion in Early Medieval China
Bernes, Jasper
The Work of Art in the Age of Deindustrialization
Bernhardt, Kathryn
Civil Law in Qing and Republican China
Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840-1950
Women and Property in China, 960-1949
Bernofsky, Susan
[Translated by]
Celan Studies
Bernstein, Gail Lee
Haruko’s World: A Japanese Farm Woman and Her Community: with a 1996 Epilogue
Bernstein, J. M.
Against Voluptuous Bodies: Late Modernism and the Meaning of Painting
Bernstein, Susan
Virtuosity of the Nineteenth Century: Performing Music and Language in Heine, Liszt, and Baudelaire
Housing Problems: Writing and Architecture in Goethe, Walpole, Freud, and Heidegger
Berra, Tim M.
Evolution and the Myth of Creationism
Berri, David J.
The Wages of Wins
Berris, Anthony
[Translated by]
Yosef Haim Brenner: A Life
Bertholf, Robert J.
The Letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov
Bertholf, Robert J.
Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov: The Poetry of Politics, the Politics of Poetry
Bertram, Carel
A House in the Homeland: Armenian Pilgrimages to Places of Ancestral Memory
Besen-Cassino, Yasemin
Gender Threat: American Masculinity in the Face of Change
Besnier, Niko
On the Edge of the Global: Modern Anxieties in a Pacific Island Nation
Bestor, Theodore C.
Neighborhood Tokyo
Bet-Shlimon, Arbella
City of Black Gold: Oil, Ethnicity, and the Making of Modern Kirkuk
Betts, Paul
Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth-Century German History
Beyes, Timon
Organizing Color: Toward a Chromatics of the Social
Bhungalia, Lisa
Elastic Empire: Refashioning War through Aid in Palestine
Biale, David
Jewish Culture between Canon and Heresy
Bialock, David T.
Eccentric Spaces, Hidden Histories: Narrative, Ritual, and Royal Authority from The Chronicles of Japan to The Tale of the Heike
Bianco, Lucien
Origins of the Chinese Revolution, 1915-1949
Bickford, Andrew
Fallen Elites: The Military Other in Post–Unification Germany
Bidgood, Sarah
Death Dust: The Rise, Decline, and Future of Radiological Weapons Programs
Biebricher, Thomas
The Political Theory of Neoliberalism
Biemann, Asher D.
Inventing New Beginnings: On the Idea of Renaissance in Modern Judaism
Biemann, Asher
Dreaming of Michelangelo: Jewish Variations on a Modern Theme
Bienen, Henry S.
Of Time and Power: Leadership Duration in the Modern World
Bier, Laura
Revolutionary Womanhood: Feminisms, Modernity, and the State in Nasser's Egypt
Bierhorst, John
A Nahuatl-English Dictionary and Concordance to the ‘Cantares Mexicanos’: With an Analytic Transcription and Grammatical Notes
Bilenky, Serhiy
Romantic Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian Political Imaginations
Billingsley, Phil
Bandits in Republican China
Bilu, Yoram
With Us More Than Ever: Making the Absent Rebbe Present in Messianic Chabad
Binder, Guyora
Felony Murder
Biow, Douglas
In Your Face: Professional Improprieties and the Art of Being Conspicuous in Sixteenth-Century Italy
Birdwhistell, Anne D.
Transition to Neo-Confucianism: Shao Yung on Knowledge and Symbols of Reality
Birdwhistell, Anne D.
Li Yong (1627-1705) and Epistemological Dimensions of Confucian Philosophy
Birkinshaw, Julian
Fast/Forward: Make Your Company Fit for the Future
Birn, Raymond
Royal Censorship of Books in Eighteenth-Century France
Birnbaum, Pierre
Geography of Hope: Exile, the Enlightenment, Disassimilation
A Tale of Ritual Murder in the Age of Louis XIV: The Trial of Raphaël Lévy, 1669
Bishara, Amahl A.
Back Stories: U.S. News Production and Palestinian Politics
Bishara, Amahl
Crossing a Line: Laws, Violence, and Roadblocks to Palestinian Political Expression
Bishara, Azmi
On Salafism: Concepts and Contexts
Bitterli, Urs
Cultures in Conflict: Encounters Between European and Non-European Cultures, 1492-1800
Blacker, Coit D.
International Arms Control: Issues and Agreements, Second Edition
Blacksin, Isaac
Conflicted: Making News from Global War
Blain, Jim
The Oregon-American Lumber Company: Ain’t No More
Blais, André
Letting the People Decide: The Dynamics of Canadian Elections
Blake, Jonathan S.
Children of a Modest Star: Planetary Thinking for an Age of Crises
Blanchot, Maurice
The Work of Fire
The Instant of My Death /
: Fiction and Testimony
Faux Pas
The Book to Come
Lautréamont and Sade
Blandford, Edward D.
Learning from a Disaster: Improving Nuclear Safety and Security after Fukushima
Blank, Paula
Shakesplish: How We Read Shakespeare's Language
Blau, Peter M.
Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach
Blauner, Bob
Resisting McCarthyism: To Sign or Not to Sign California's Loyalty Oath
Blecher, Marc
Tethered Deer: Government and Economy in a Chinese County
Bleichmar, Daniela
Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, 1500–1800
Bleynat, Ingrid
Vendors' Capitalism: A Political Economy of Public Markets in Mexico City
Bliss, Catherine
Race Decoded: The Genomic Fight for Social Justice
Social by Nature: The Promise and Peril of Sociogenomics
Bloch, Ernst
The Spirit of Utopia
Blomley, Nicholas
The Expanding Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography
Blood, Susan
Baudelaire and the Aesthetics of Bad Faith
Bloom, Mia
Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon
Blossfeld, Hans-Peter
Home Ownership and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective
Bluedorn, Allen C.
The Human Organization of Time: Temporal Realities and Experience
Blumenberg, Hans
Care Crosses the River
Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate
Reading Myth: Classical Mythology and Its Interpretations in Medieval French Literature
Blumenthal, Dan
Strategy in Asia : The Past, Present, and Future of Regional Security
Bockman, Johanna
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
Bodmer, Beatriz Pastor
The Armature of Conquest: Spanish Accounts of the Discovery of America, 1492-1589
Boekelheide, Robert J.
Seabirds of the Farallon Islands: Ecology, Dynamics, and Structure of an Upwelling-System Community
Boersema, Jacob R.
Can We Unlearn Racism?: What South Africa Teaches Us About Whiteness
Bol, Peter K.
‘This Culture of Ours’: Intellectual Transitions in T’ang and Sung China
Boland, Richard J.
Managing as Designing
Boletsi, Maria
Barbarism and Its Discontents
Boli, John
Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernmental Organizations Since 1875
Bolinger, Dwight
Intonation and Its Parts: Melody in Spoken English
Intonation and Its Uses: Melody in Grammar and Discourse
Bollack, Jean
[Foreword by]
Celan Studies
Bollmer, Grant
The Influencer Factory: A Marxist Theory of Corporate Personhood on YouTube
Bonastia, Christopher
The Battle Nearer to Home: The Persistence of School Segregation in New York City
Bond-Theriault, Candace
Queering Reproductive Justice: An Invitation
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo
State of White Supremacy: Racism, Governance, and the United States
Bonine, Michael E.
Is There a Middle East?: The Evolution of a Geopolitical Concept
Bonneau, Chris W.
Strategic Behavior and Policy Choice on the U.S. Supreme Court
Bonsall, Thomas E.
More Than They Promised: The Studebaker Story
Disaster in Dearborn: The Story of the Edsel
Bonsall, Thomas
The Lincoln Story: The Postwar Years
The Cadillac Story: The Postwar Years
Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel
The Freudian Subject
Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel
[Foreword by]
Tales from the Freudian Crypt: The Death Drive in Text and Context
Boris, Eileen
Intimate Labors: Cultures, Technologies, and the Politics of Care
Bornstein, Erica
The Spirit of Development
Disquieting Gifts: Humanitarianism in New Delhi
Bortz, Jeffrey
Revolution within the Revolution: Cotton Textile Workers and the Mexican Labor Regime, 1910-1923
Bortz, Jeffrey L.
The Mexican Economy, 1870-1930: Essays on the Economic History of Institutions, Revolution, and Growth
Böschenstein, Bernhard
The Meridian: Final Version—Drafts—Materials
Bose, Christine E.
Global Dimensions of Gender and Carework
Bossen, Laurel
Bound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Footbinding in Village China
Bosteels, Bruno
[Translated by]
Badiou by Badiou
Bou Akar, Hiba
For the War Yet to Come: Planning Beirut's Frontiers
Boudreau, John W.
Achieving Strategic Excellence
Achieving Excellence in Human Resources Management
Global Trends in Human Resource Management
Human Resource Excellence
Boulanger, Christian
The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment: Comparative Perspectives
Boulouque, Clémence
Another Modernity: Elia Benamozegh’s Jewish Universalism
Boum, Aomar
Memories of Absence: How Muslims Remember Jews in Morocco
Boum, Aomar
The Holocaust and North Africa
Wartime North Africa: A Documentary History, 1934–1950
Boumediene, Lakhdar
Witnesses of the Unseen: Seven Years in Guantanamo
Bourdieu, Pierre
Academic Discourse: Linguistic Misunderstanding and Professorial Power
Homo Academicus
In Other Words: Essays Toward a Reflexive Sociology
The Logic of Practice
Photography: A Middle-Brow Art
The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger
The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field
The State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power
Practical Reason: On the Theory of Action
The Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society
Pascalian Meditations
Masculine Domination
Boutilier, Robert
Stakeholder Politics: Social Capital, Sustainable Development, and the Corporation
Bowlby, Rachel
[Translated by]
The Inhuman: Reflections on Time
Of Hospitality
Questioning Judaism: Interviews by Elisabeth Weber
Paper Machine
Bowman, Steven B.
The Agony of Greek Jews, 1940–1945
Boyarin, Daniel
Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism
Boyd, Christina
Supreme Bias: Gender and Race in U.S. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings
Boyer, Allen D.
Sir Edward Coke and the Elizabethan Age
Boyer, Allen D.
Shaping the Common Law: From Glanvill to Hale, 1188-1688
Boyer, Christopher R.
Becoming Campesinos: Politics, Identity, and Agrarian Struggle in Postrevolutionary Michoacan, 1920-1935
Boyle, Frank Thomas
Swift as Nemesis: Modernity and Its Satirist
Bozo, Frederic
The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War
Bradley, Rizvana
Anteaesthetics: Black Aesthesis and the Critique of Form
Brady, David W.
Critical Elections and Congressional Policy Making
Brady, David W.
Continuity and Change in House Elections
Party, Process, and Political Change in Congress, Volume 1: New Perspectives on the History of Congress
Party, Process, and Political Change in Congress, Volume 2: Further New Perspectives on the History of Congress
Brady, Henry
Letting the People Decide: The Dynamics of Canadian Elections
Braester, Yomi
Witness Against History: Literature, Film, and Public Discourse in Twentieth-Century China
Braiterman, Zachary
The Shape of Revelation: Aesthetics and Modern Jewish Thought
Brancoli, Fernando
The Tropical Silk Road: The Future of China in South America
Brand, Laurie A.
Official Stories: Politics and National Narratives in Egypt and Algeria
Brand, Tylor
Famine Worlds: Life at the Edge of Suffering in Lebanon’s Great War
Brandenberger, David
Stalin's Usable Past: A Critical Edition of the 1937 Short History of the USSR
Brandt, Joan
Geopoetics: The Politics of Mimesis in Poststructuralist French Poetry and Theory
Brassier, Ray
[Translated by]
Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism
Brault, Pascale-Anne
[Translated by]
Resistances of Psychoanalysis
Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas
Rogues: Two Essays on Reason
Braverman, Irus
Zooland: The Institution of Captivity
Wild Life: The Institution of Nature
Braverman, Irus
The Expanding Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography
Bray, David
Social Space and Governance in Urban China: The Danwei System from Origins to Reform
Brazell, Karen
[Translated by]
The Confessions of Lady Nijo
Breen, Richard
Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United States
Bregnbaek, Susanne
Fragile Elite: The Dilemmas of China's Top University Students
Bregoli, Francesca
Mediterranean Enlightenment: Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform
Breitwieser, Mitchell
National Melancholy: Mourning and Opportunity in Classic American Literature
Brennan, Jonathan
Mixed Race Literature
Brennan, Timothy
Borrowed Light: Vico, Hegel, and the Colonies
Brenner, David
[Translated by]
A Systems Theory of Religion
Breslin, Beau
A Constitution for the Living: Imagining How Five Generations of Americans Would Rewrite the Nation's Fundamental Law
Brest, Paul
Money Well Spent: A Strategic Plan for Smart Philanthropy, Second Edition
Brett, Jeanne M.
The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture
Brettell, Caroline
Civic Engagements: The Citizenship Practices of Indian and Vietnamese Immigrants
Breznitz, Shiri M.
The Fountain of Knowledge: The Role of Universities in Economic Development
Bridges, Khiara M.
The Poverty of Privacy Rights
Brilliant, Mark
World War II and the West It Wrought
Brindis, Claire
Advocacy and Policy Change Evaluation
Brint, Steven
Schools and Societies
Brint, Steven
The Future of the City of Intellect: The Changing American University
Brinton, Mary C.
The New Institutionalism in Sociology
Women’s Working Lives in East Asia
Britto, Paulo Henriques
[Translated by]
The Limits of Voice: Montaigne, Schlegel, Kafka
Cinematograph of Words: Literature, Technique, and Modernization in Brazil
Brizuela, Natalia
The Matter of Photography in the Americas
Brock, James W.
The Bigness Complex
Brodskaya, Marina
[Translated by]
Five Plays
Brody, Richard A.
Assessing the President: The Media, Elite Opinion, and Public Support
Brodzki, Bella
Can These Bones Live?: Translation, Survival, and Cultural Memory
Bromley, Patricia
The Nonprofit Sector
Bronstein, Jamie L.
Land Reform and Working-Class Experience in Britain and the United States, 1800-1862
Caught in the Machinery: Workplace Accidents and Injured Workers in Nineteenth-Century Britain
The Happiness of the British Working Class
Brook, Stacey L.
The Wages of Wins
Brook, Timothy
Quelling the People
Brooks, Phyllis
[Translated by]
Taoism: Growth of a Religion
Brooks, Risa A.
Creating Military Power: The Sources of Military Effectiveness
Brouillette, Sarah
Literature and the Creative Economy
UNESCO and the Fate of the Literary
Brown, Adrienne
The Residential Is Racial: A Perceptual History of Mass Homeownership
Brown, Catherine
Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism
Brown, Judy Sorum
Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business
Brown, Lonnie T.
Defending the Public's Enemy: The Life and Legacy of Ramsey Clark
Brown, Marie Grace
Khartoum at Night: Fashion and Body Politics in Imperial Sudan
Brown, Marshall
Turning Points: Essays in the History of Cultural Expressions
Brown, Steven T.
Theatricalities of Power: The Cultural Politics of Noh
Brozgal, Lia
Ninette of Sin Street
Bruce, Judith
A Home Divided: Women and Income in the Third World
Brugger, Bill
Chinese Marxism in the Post-Mao Era
Politics, Economy, and Society in Contemporary China
Brundage, Anthony
The Great Tradition: Constitutional History and National Identity in Britain and the United States, 1870-1960
Bruneau, Thomas
Patriots for Profit: Contractors and the Military in U.S. National Security
Brunnegger, Sandra
A Sense of Justice: Legal Knowledge and Lived Experience in Latin America
Bruns, Gerald
On Ceasing to Be Human
Bruyere, Vincent
Environmental Humanities on the Brink: The Vanitas Hypothesis
Bryce, Benjamin
To Belong in Buenos Aires: Germans, Argentines, and the Rise of a Pluralist Society
Brysk, Alison
From Tribal Village to Global Village: Indian Rights and International Relations in Latin America
Bryson, Bethany
Making Multiculturalism: Boundaries and Meaning in U.S. English Departments
Bryson, Megan
Goddess on the Frontier: Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in Southwest China
Bsheer, Rosie
Archive Wars: The Politics of History in Saudi Arabia
Bucholz, R. O.
The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decline of Court Culture
Buckler, Julie A.
The Literary Lorgnette: Attending Opera in Imperial Russia
Budd, John W.
Invisible Hands, Invisible Objectives: Bringing Workplace Law and Public Policy Into Focus
Budick, Sanford
Languages of the Unsayable
The Translatability of Cultures: Figurations of the Space Between
Bugg, John
Five Long Winters: The Trials of British Romanticism
Bukh, Alexander
These Islands Are Ours: The Social Construction of Territorial Disputes in Northeast Asia
Bulkeley, Kelly
Lucrecia the Dreamer: Prophecy, Cognitive Science, and the Spanish Inquisition
2020 Dreams
Bullard, Alice
Exile to Paradise: Savagery and Civilization in Paris and the South Pacific, 1790-1900
Bullock, Mary
The Oil Prince’s Legacy : Rockefeller Philanthropy in China
Bunn, James H.
Wave Forms: A Natural Syntax for Rhythmic Languages
Burchell, Kenzie
Constant Disconnection: The Weight of Everyday Digital Life
Burgess, Douglas R.
Engines of Empire: Steamships and the Victorian Imagination
Burgess, Katrina
The California-Mexico Connection
Burk, James
How 9/11 Changed Our Ways of War
Burke, Edmund
Reflections on the Revolution in France: A Critical Edition
Burke, James F.
Desire Against the Law: The Juxtaposition of Contraries in Early Medieval Spanish Literature
Burke, Peter
The French Historical Revolution
Burke, Peter J.
Contemporary Social Psychological Theories
Burkert, Walter
Violent Origins: Walter Burkert, René Girard, and Jonathan Z. Smith on Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation
Burks, Barbara S.
The Promise of Youth: Follow-up Studies of a Thousand Gifted Children
Burrus, Virginia
‘Begotten, Not Made’: Conceiving Manhood in Late Antiquity
Burt, E. S.
Poetry’s Appeal: Nineteenth-Century French Lyric and the Political Space
Burton, Elise K.
Genetic Crossroads: The Middle East and the Science of Human Heredity
Busch, Nathan E.
The Politics of Weapons Inspections: Assessing WMD Monitoring and Verification Regimes
Bush, J. Andrew
Between Muslims: Religious Difference in Iraqi Kurdistan
Bush, Ronald
Prehistories of the Future: The Primitivist Project and the Culture of Modernism
Butler, Erik
[Translated by]
Atmosphere, Mood, Stimmung: On a Hidden Potential of Literature
The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on the Genealogy of Presence
Butler, Judith
The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection
Butler, Judith
A Life with Mary Shelley
Butler, Judith
[Foreword by]
The Scandal of the Speaking Body: Don Juan with J. L. Austin, or Seduction in Two Languages
Butt, Waqas
Life Beyond Waste: Work and Infrastructure in Urban Pakistan
Bybee, Keith
All Judges Are Political—Except When They Are Not: Acceptable Hypocrisies and the Rule of Law
Bybee, Keith J.
How Civility Works
Bybee, Keith J.
Bench Press: The Collision of Courts, Politics, and the Media