Acquisitions Editors

Initial inquiries about publication should be made directly to the appropriate editor at the Press. Submit your proposal to only one editor. Materials will be shared and redistributied among editors if appropriate. Please use the following address for all individuals below: 

Stanford University Press
485 Broadway, First Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063-8460


Kate Wahl, Publishing Director, Editor-in-Chief, acquires books in Middle East studies, as well as general interest titles for SUP’s trade imprint, Redwood Press. In Middle East studies, she considers the region broadly, from Morocco to Afghanistan, and also invites projects that engage the region within larger transnational and global discussions. The Middle East studies list has particular interest in the modern and contemporary periods, publishing books that consider important social, cultural, and political issues of interest to scholars, students, and the wider reading public. Proposals are eagerly welcomed for innovative work that unsettles traditional narratives and categories and offers new paradigms and modes of analysis for understanding the region. Kate joined SUP in 2001. She holds degrees in religious studies and violin performance, and remains an active musician in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving as Assistant Concertmaster of the Peninsula Symphony Orchestra.
Areas of acquisition: Middle East Studies, Redwood Press.            

Genevieve Aoki, Senior Editor, acquires books in history and Jewish studies, and invites scholarly and trade proposals. In history, she acquires in modern and early modern history of Europe, the US (with an emphasis on the American West), Latin America, and the world. Across regions and time periods, she is particularly interested in projects which engage with questions of environmental history; imperialism and colonialism; migration and borderlands; transnational perspectives; histories of science and technology; women’s and gender history; and the history of race and ethnicity. Broadly, she seeks to publish books which draw new connections and combine incisive, groundbreaking scholarship with compelling writing. She oversees the following series: the Stanford-Hoover Series on Authoritarianism; Stanford British Histories; Stanford Studies on Central and Eastern Europe; the Cold War International History Project; Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture; and Stanford Studies in Jewish Mysticism. Before coming to Stanford, Genevieve was an editor at Routledge, where she acquired books in music studies, and previously worked on history and religion.
Areas of acquisition: History and Jewish Studies.           

Dan LoPreto, Acquisitions Editor, acquires books in international affairs, global studies, and environmental politics. He welcomes proposals that offer interdisciplinary methods for understanding world politics, as well as critical approaches to international relations. He is especially interested in projects that take up questions around capitalism and power; political economy and globalization; empire and imperial formations; national and transnational security challenges; the politics of climate change; and the intersections of domestic and foreign policy with gender, race, sexuality, and nationalism. He oversees the series: Studies in Asian Security, Emerging Frontiers in the Global Economy, and Studies of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. Prior to joining SUP, Dan worked at Bold Type Books (formerly Nation Books), Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press, and several bookstores in and around New York City. He currently serves as the Editor-at-Large of Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO). Dan holds a master's degree in political science from Fordham University and is a third-generation Brooklynite.
Areas of acquisition: Global Studies, International Affairs, Environmental Politics.            

Marcela Maxfield, Executive Editor, acquires books in sociology and law. Within sociology, she is interested in questions of race, class, and gender; immigration; science and technology; culture and knowledge production; and politics. Marcela also manages three series in sociology: Inequalities, Culture and Economic Life, and Globalization in Everyday Life. For the law list, Marcela seeks groundbreaking projects within law and society, criminology, constitutional law, US law and politics, and legal history. Books that engage issues of social justice and inequality fit particularly well. She oversees the series: Stanford Studies in Law and Politics, the Cultural Lives of Law. In each subject area, Marcela invites pitches from authors and agents for scholarly and trade books that shed light on topics of broad interest and public debate. She is also interested in work that pushes the boundaries of conventional scholarship, especially for consideration in SUP’s Redwood Press imprint, an outlet for books intended for a general public. Prior to joining SUP, Marcela worked at Oxford University Press.
Areas of acquisition: Sociology and Law.            

Caroline McKusick Associate Editor, acquires books in the humanities. She welcomes scholarly books that will have relevance and impact beyond the university. Caroline holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from UC Davis, with a designated emphasis in critical theory.
Areas of acquisition: Humanities.          

Richard Narramore, Executive Editor, acquires titles for Stanford Business Books, the business imprint of Stanford University Press, and edits the Stanford Social Innovation Review Books series. Within Stanford Business Books, Richard publishes leaders who bring original thinking, practice, and research to a global business audience. He welcomes book proposals from authors and agents addressing trade, professional, and scholarly readers. Topics of special interest include innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, design, leadership, social entrepreneurship, and non-profit management. Prior to joining SUP, Richard was Executive Editor with Wiley’s Trade Business publishing program and Senior Editor with McGraw-Hill Trade. His books have been critical and commercial successes—including Business Model Generation, the million-copy bestseller translated into 30 languages; The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy, a finalist for the Goldman Sachs/Financial Times “Business Book of the Year Award”; Inspired: How to Build Tech Products Customers Love, a bestselling product-management book; and Data-Driven Marketing, named “Best Marketing Book of the Year” and on Jeff Bezos’s reading list for Amazon managers.
Area of acquisition: Business.            

Erica Wetter, Publisher, Humanities, acquires books in the humanities. Her list encompasses work in literature, critical theory, political theory, aesthetics, media, and cultural studies. She welcomes pitches from writers and agents for accessible and broadly conceived scholarly and trade books that reflect on topics such as politics, gender, race, science, technology, and media, and she is especially open to discussing more interdisciplinary works as well as books that attempt some form of narrative innovation. Erica holds an MLIS and an MS in Environmental Studies and is also committed to publishing rigorous work in environmental humanities. Her portfolio includes the series Text Technologies, Post45, Cultural Memory in the Present, Inventions, and Sensing Media. Before arriving at Stanford, Erica was Publisher at Routledge, where she oversaw the US Media and Cultural Studies list and had the honor of working with authors including bell hooks, Kate Bornstein, Thomas Elsaesser, Joe Turow, Donna Haraway, and many others. 
Areas of acquisition: Literature, Media, and Theory.            

Dylan Kyung-lim White, Acquisitions Editor, acquires books in anthropology and Asian studies. He is particularly interested in projects that are connected to environmental anthropology, political anthropology, and science, technology, and medical anthropology, and that are engaged in debates around racial capitalism, colonialism and Indigenous resistance, migration and borders, social and labor movements, the prison industrial complex, gender and sexuality, infrastructural systems, political ecology, and environmental justice. Within Asian studies, he is interested in work that covers similar thematic ground, and is especially interested in projects that span East, Southeast, and/or South Asian geographies, that study historical, social, cultural, and political issues from the bottom up, and that help expand an internationalist understanding of the region. He is keen to support work that can reach across disciplines, and that aims to impact not just the scholarly community but also a wider public. He also welcomes proposals from authors and agents for the Redwood Press imprint. He is the press-side editor for the book series: Asian America, Anthropology of Policy, South Asia in Motion, Spiritual Phenomena, and Stanford Studies in Human Rights. Previously, Dylan was an editor at UNC Press.
Areas of acquisition: Anthropology, Asian Studies, and Asian American Studies.