'The Global Silicon Valley Home' Book Cover

The Global Silicon Valley Home

Lives and Landscapes Within Taiwanese American Trans-Pacific Culture
Shenglin Chang
November 2005
288 Pages
Hardcover ISBN: 9780804752152
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The economic boom of the 1990s that led to the rapid rise of computer hardware and software companies (on both sides of the Pacific Rim) also led to the rise of a trans-Pacific commuter culture, a culture in which thousands of Taiwanese-born high-tech engineers realized that they could greatly increase their career opportunities by establishing a life-style that allowed them and their families to regularly commute between two homes, one in Silicon Valley and the other in Taiwan.

The Global Silicon Valley Home takes a close look at how participants in the jet-set, wired-to-the-Net, trans-Pacific commuter culture have invented new ways of thinking about how their homes reflect their personal identities.

"Chang's nuanced readings of her subjects' self-narratives and physical settings provide a new wealth of detail concerning the material manifestations of mobile lives."—The International History Review

Shenglin Chang is Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences and Landscape Architecture at the University of Maryland, College Park.