'Thai-English Student’s Dictionary' Book Cover

Thai-English Student’s Dictionary

Compiled by Mary R. Haas
June 1964
668 Pages
Hardcover ISBN: 9780804705677
Desk, Examination, or Review Copy Requests

This is the first new Thai-English dictionary by an American Scholar to appear in over twenty years. It includes many new words and new uses of old words that have entered the language since Wold War II, an it employs the latest official spellin of words (based on the Thai-Thai Government Dictionary of 1950), with some older spellings cross-referenced to the present spelling. Its 20,000 entries are presented in a sinle alphabetical listing: standard vocabulary items, names of people and organizations, place names, and abbreviatiions.

The pronunciation of words is shown in a scientific writing which includes five tones, stress within rhythm groups, and intonation whenever clauses or sentences are cited. The pronunciation guide is not a translation; rather it is the standard pronunciation used by educated speakers in Bangkok, which often differs from the traditional spelling in tone and vowel length.

Levels of usage—vulgar, common, colloquial, elegant, royal, and sacerdotal—are indicated whenever pertinent. Slang terms and idioms are included, and for words that American students find difficult there are grammatical comments and ample examples of usage.

"Both English-speaking students of Thai and Thai students of all disciplines will be hard put to find a more comprehensive and satisfying answer to their general vocabulary needs. Professional translators, researchers, and even specialists whose only concern is problems of transliteration, will all benefit from this remarkable publication. . . . Professor Haas and her assistants have turned out a masterpiece of lexicography in a neglected language—one which far surpasses its nearest competitors."—Orient/West

"An outstanding achievement. . . . Its accuracy and reliability make it one of the most significant contributions to the study of the Thai language."—Modern Language Journal

"A monumental work of compilation . . . The Stanford University Press and Dr. Haas deserve the thanks of all English knowing students of Thai language for this great work."—United Asia

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