Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences

In Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and Declines in Health, editors Kenneth A. Couch, Mary C. Daly, and Julie Zissimopoulos bring together leading scholars to study the impact of unexpected life course events on economic welfare. The contributions in this volume explore how job loss, the onset of health limitations, and changes in household structure can have a pronounced influence on individual and household well-being across the life course. Although these events are typically studied in isolation, they frequently co-occur or are otherwise interrelated. This book provides a systematic empirical overview of these sometimes uncertain events and their impact. By placing them in a unified analytical framework and approaching each of them from a similar perspective, Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences illustrates the importance of a coherent approach to thinking about the inter-relationships among these shifts. Finally, this volume aims to set the future research agenda in this important area.
"Lifecycle events—whether foreseeable or unexpected—can fundamentally alter the economic trajectory of individuals and families. This book presents an ambitious and successful attempt at examining the impact of the most salient demographic and economic events in contemporary America. I highly recommend the book."—Robert F. Schoeni, Institute for Social Research, Ford School of Public Policy, and Department of Economics, University of Michigan
"This book does an excellent job of analyzing the nature and consequences of various types of common, but often unanticipated, shocks in the lifecycle. Elegantly edited, this volume provides interesting, important information that readers in economics and public policy should know."—Robert D. Plotnick, University of Washington