'More than Money' Book Cover

More than Money

Five Forms of Capital to Create Wealth and Eliminate Poverty
Paul C. Godfrey

Award Winner

  • 2016: Axiom Business Book Awards

    Silver Medal (Philanthropy/Nonprofit/Sustainability Category) in the 2016 Axiom Business Book Awards.
Imprint: Stanford Business Books
December 2013
240 Pages
Hardcover ISBN: 9780804782791
Paperback ISBN: 9780804782807
Ebook ISBN: 9780804789202
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Is poverty inevitable? No, says author Paul Godfrey. More than Money shows how organizations can win the fight against poverty and create prosperity for people at the base of the pyramid in the developing and developed world.

This book presents a novel framework that shows how five types of interrelated capital—institutional, human, social, organizational, and physical—enable development and sustainable growth. In addition to a widely-applicable model, Godfrey provides principles to guide application. Core chapters articulate each specific form of capital and provide examples of how it contributes to the triple bottom line. Not just a theoretical examination of poverty, More than Money delivers timely advice to organizations that produce goods and services, implement policies, and create meaningful change on the ground. This book will guide social innovators and entrepreneurs in business, government, and civil society settings as they create a vision, assemble a team of strong partners, and effectively measure social innovation.

"More than Money provides the readers with one of the most complete lists of the ideas, incentives, and leadership skills needed to enhance personal and social flourishing. Putting them into practice will help eliminate poverty one person at a time."—Alejandro Chafuen, FORBES

"Although others have added social capital to the discussion of poverty, Paul Godfrey's innovative five-fold treatment goes well beyond existing theories to provide a remarkably well-grounded framework for future work. This is a highly effective analytical tool for addressing problems of poverty and development. More than Money expands the realm of the discussion beyond mere symptoms by effectively focusing on the dynamic root causes of poverty."—Wade Channell, Senior Legal Reform Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development

"We can't change the world if we don't first understand it. Godfrey strikes a keen balance between acknowledging the complexity of poverty while pointing to thoughtful solutions. This book is essential reading for those who want their results to be as good as their intentions."—Joseph Grenny, co-author of Influencer and Crucial Conversations

"A fascinating exploration into the definition of self-reliance and capital as they relate to and influence poverty. Godfrey's argument on the multi-faceted nature of poverty provides thought-provoking considerations for philanthropists and social innovators who seek systemic poverty elimination."—Jessamyn Lau, Program Leader, Peery Foundation

Paul C. Godfrey is Professor of Strategy and Associate Academic Director of the Melvin J. Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance at Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Management, where he helps students and practitioners translate organization and economic theory into action that reduces poverty. He has recently pursued projects in Ghana, the Navajo Nation, and with disadvantaged populations in the United States.