'Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment' Book Cover

Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment

Edited by Markus D. Dubber and Lindsay Farmer
Hardcover ISBN: 9780804754118
Paperback ISBN: 9780804754125
Ebook ISBN: 9780804768412
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Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment showcases a variety of disciplinary, methodological, and theoretical approaches that, taken together, frame historical analysis in the study and teaching of criminal law. Featuring work by historians, lawyers, theorists, and sociologists, Modern Histories approaches the history of crime and punishment not as the freestanding study of a distinct institution or body of legal doctrine, but as part of a broader inquiry into the webs of governance and control that constitute social and political life.

"Intricacy and depth of scholarship... characterize the chapters. Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment has been a bracing intellectual excursion, and... I found each of the articles to range from interesting to fascinating."—Law and Politics Book Review

"This collection of highly original works explores the construction of criminal law discourse and its problematic relationship to the enterprise of state punishment. There are many scholars whose work intersects with this volume, but no other published collection on the history of substantive criminal law offers anything like the range and coherence put forth here."—Jonathan Simon, Boalt Hall School of Law, UC Berkeley

"Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment involves an original and interdisciplinary approach to the area of criminal law. This is an exceptional book." —Alan Norrie, King's College, London

Markus D. Dubber is Professor of Law and Director of the Buffalo Criminal Law Center at SUNY Buffalo School of Law. His books include The Police Power: Patriarchy and the Foundations of American Government (2005), The Sense of Justice: Empathy in Law and Punishment (2006), and The New Police Science: The Police Power in Domestic and International Governance (coedited with M. Valverde; Stanford, 2006). Lindsay Farmer is Professor of Law at the University of Glasgow and author of Criminal Law, Tradition and Legal Order (1997), and The Trial on Trial (3 vols.) (coedited with R.A. Duff, V. Tadros, & S. Marshall, 2004-07).