'Pursuing History ' Book Cover

Pursuing History

Middle English Manuscripts and Their Texts
Ralph Hanna III
August 1996
376 Pages
Hardcover ISBN: 9780804726139
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"Ralph Hanna has no peer in Middle English textual studies. . . . This is a wholly original and exciting work, unlike any other available from any book or scholar I know of."—Anne Middleton, University of California, Berkeley

"This book is important and valuable for many kinds of readers. . . . Hanna challenges us to participate in the textual mapping of manuscript culture in England before Chaucer was canonized as the center. . . . The volume also has tremendous potential for introducing our students to manuscript culture."—Envoi

Ralph Hanna, III, is Professor of English at the University of California, Riverside. As the reports make clear, he is a leading authority on Middle English manuscripts.