
Communicology is Vilém Flusser's first thesis on his concepts of technical images and technical imagination. In this foundational text he lays the groundwork for later work, offering a philosophical approach to communication as a phenomenon that permeates every aspect of human existence. Clearly organized around questions such as "What is Communication?," "What are Codes?," and "What is Technical Imagination?," the work touches on theater, photography, film, television, and more. Originally written in 1978, but only posthumously published in German, the book is one of the clearest statements of Flusser's theory of communication as involving a variably mediated relation between humans and the world. Although Flusser was writing in the 1970s, his work demonstrates a prescience that makes it of significant contemporary interest to scholars in visual culture, art history, media studies, and philosophy.
"If you are in search of Flusser the media theorist, indeed, if you are seeking to understand how information works, Communicology is it. Flusser teases out the kinds of fundamental questions that are at the core of the human experience."—Anke Finger, University of Connecticut
"Communicology is a central work for any appraisal of Flusser's thinking, and an innovative and singular introduction to media theory."—Erick Felinto, State University of Rio de Janeiro
"Communicology is an important work for the study of media theory in general and, more specifically, Flusser's own communication theory."—Rodrigo Petronio, Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation
"New theories in communication are rare. However,Communicology—written in 1978, posthumously published (in German), and now newly translated into English—leads the reader to consider contemporary answers to age-old questions.... Though Flusser builds on philosophers suchas Heidegger, this work is original and seminal. Flusser's work is now more important than ever, given the present rapid and radical changes to communication such as ChatGPT. Highly recommended."—K. L. Majocha, CHOICE