Currencies: New Thinking for Financial Times
The need for a more sophisticated encounter between economic theory and social and political philosophy has become pressing. The growth of new forms of money and finance is recognized as one of the defining developments of our time. But even as finance continuously breaches limits and forces adjustments, much scholarly commentary remains focused on the limits of the market and the need to establish some prior state of political stability, thus succumbing to a nostalgia that blunts its critical edge. Not content to adopt a defensive posture, books in this series move beyond well-rehearsed denunciations of out-of-control markets and seek to rethink the core institutions and categories of financialized capitalism. Currencies will serve as a forum for work that is situated at the intersection of economics, the humanities, and the social sciences. It will include conceptually driven historical or empirical studies, genealogies of economic ideas and institutions, and work that employs new or unexplored theoretical resources to rethink key economic categories and themes.
- Noam Yuran
- Award winner
The Spirit of French Capitalism
Economic Theology in the Age of EnlightenmentCharly Coleman - Award winner
History in Financial Times
Amin Samman - Thomas Biebricher
- Lisa Adkins