'Durkheim on Politics and the State' Book Cover

Durkheim on Politics and the State

Edited with an Introduction by Anthony Giddens Translated by W. D. Halls
Polity Press
July 1986
260 Pages
Hardcover ISBN: 9780804713375
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Durkheim's writins on politlcal theory and the nature of government have been among the most neglected of his contributions to modern social science. The editor, one of the first to argue the importance of Durkheim's political thought, has assembled the first English-language collection of that author's significant writings on politics, government, the nature and function of the state, socialism, and Marxism. The introductory essay provides a critical appraisal of Durkehim's political ideas and situates them within the framework of the author's general sociology and social philosophy. The selections are taken from a wide range of Durkheim's writings—books, lecture series, review articles—and almost all appear in new translations. Several of these works have been, up to this time, poorly rendered or unavailable in English.