'Arab Routes' Book Cover

Arab Routes

Pathways to Syrian California
Sarah M. A. Gualtieri

Award Winner

  • 2021: The Evelyn Shakir Non-Fiction Award in the Arab American Book Awards

    Winner of the 2021 The Evelyn Shakir Non-Fiction Award in the Arab American Book Awards, sponsored by the Arab American National Museum.
  • 2020: Alixa Naff Prize in Migration Studies

    Winner of the 2020 Alixa Naff Prize in Migration Studies, sponsored by the Moise Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies.
Hardcover ISBN: 9781503606173
Paperback ISBN: 9781503610859
Ebook ISBN: 9781503610866
Desk, Examination, or Review Copy Requests

Los Angeles is home to the largest population of people of Middle Eastern origin and descent in the United States. Since the late nineteenth century, Syrian and Lebanese migration, in particular, to Southern California has been intimately connected to and through Latin America. Arab Routes uncovers the stories of this Syrian American community, one both Arabized and Latinized, to reveal important cross-border and multiethnic solidarities in Syrian California.

Sarah M. A. Gualtieri reconstructs the early Syrian connections through California, Texas, Mexico, and Lebanon. She reveals the Syrian interests in the defense of the Mexican American teens charged in the 1942 Sleepy Lagoon murder, in actor Danny Thomas's rise to prominence in LA's Syrian cultural festivals, and in more recent activities of the grandchildren of immigrants to reclaim a sense of Arabness. Gualtieri reinscribes Syrians into Southern California history through her examination of powerful images and texts, augmented with interviews with descendants of immigrants. Telling the story of how Syrians helped forge a global Los Angeles, Arab Routes counters a long-held stereotype of Arabs as outsiders and underscores their longstanding place in American culture and in interethnic coalitions, past and present.

"Arab Routes charts a radical new history of the early Syrian community in Southern California, revealing its fascinating cross-border, multilocal, and multiethnic networks and coalitions across the US, Latin America, and the Arab world. Drawing on a rich repertoire of archives, cultural texts, and oral histories, Sarah Gualtieri complicates and revises our understanding of Arab immigration to the Americas. An expansive, cutting-edge, and much-needed book."—Carol W.N. Fadda, Syracuse University, author of Contemporary Arab-American Literature: Transnational Reconfigurations of Citizenship and Belonging

"This beautifully written study explores the ties between Latino/a and Syrian communities in California. Sarah Gualtieri upends standard narratives about Arabs in the United States, showing how multiple migrations and lasting ties to Latin America forged an Arab Latinidad. A wonderful and riveting book that will reshape binary understandings of US–Middle East relations."—Melani McAlister, George Washington University, author of Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and U.S. Interests in the Middle East since 1945

"In this ingenious study, Sarah Gualtieri maps hemispheric immigration histories that redress the erasure of Syrians from California history and complicate our understandings of Mexicanidad. Rigorous and creative, Arab Routes will transform how we conceptualize immigration, race, gender, and the histories and boundaries of Arab and Latin America."—Nadine Naber, University of Illinois at Chicago, author of Arab America: Gender, Cultural Politics, and Activism

"Through recounting the personal stories of migrants and analyzing an expansive archive of census records, articles, letters, etc., author Sarah Gualtieri counters the narrative that Middle Eastern migrants are recent arrivals from a conflict-ridden region. Instead, she provides a new story where Syrian Americans are deeply woven into the history of California."—Rafael Hernández, The Middle East Journal

"[Arab Routes] sits among the most important books in Middle East migration studies; in its critical rigor, it is also an essential and indispensable contribution to comparative US ethnic studies.the book will irrevocably transform the study of Arab and Middle Eastern American migration and racialization for years to come."—Neda Maghbouleh, Mashriq & Mahjar

"Gualtieri has produced a significant accomplishment: providing a necessary intervention in the scholarship on migration, American ethnicity, and Arab American history, while ensuring the book is accessible to a popular audience."—Pamela E. Pencock, The American Historical Review

"Arab Routes 'pivots the [Arab American studies] canon west' (p.127). More importantly, though, it locates Arab American histories more firmly in transnational, South-South, and critical ethnic studies conversations where—as many of us argue—they have always been."—Amira Jarmakani, Pacific Historical Review

"Arab Routes is not only a must-read for those interested in mahjar history and transnationalism but is a shining example of how the marriage of critical ethnic studies and migration history (by prioritizing movement over settlement) can produce more nuanced studies that take into account multiple registers of identity"—Reem Bailony, International Journal of Middle East Studies

Sarah M. A. Gualtieri is Associate Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, History, and Middle East Studies at the University of Southern California. She is the author of Between Arab and White: Race and Ethnicity in the Early Syrian American Diaspora (2009).