List of Maps and Figures for Managing Multiculturalism

Managing Multiculturalism
Indigeneity and the Struggle for Rights in Colombia
Jean E. Jackson

Maps and Figures


1. Map of Colombia.

2. Map of the Vaupés.


1. The author with María Agudero and her daughter in a manioc field at Púmanaka buró, Vaupés, 1969.

2. Coca Nasa, Nasa Esh’s tea.

3. Ongoing construction of the San Agustín Yanacona “House of Thought.”

4. Yanacona procession beginning the meeting.

5. Musicians playing the Yanacona hymn.

6. Yanacona staffs of office.

7. The Sesquilé community welcome message.

8. The Sesquilé gardens.

9. The Sesquilé temazcal.

10. The Sesquilé chuszua.

11. A ritual inside the chuszua.

12. A snuffblower (Vaupés version).

13. The Bosa Cabildo headquarters.

14. Bosa Muisca officers at the General Assembly.

15. A Bosa Muisca official with a staff of office.

16. A performance of the Muisca hymn.

17. The end of the General Assembly.

18. Therapies offered by Bosa Muisca healers.

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