Acknowledgments for We Are All Migrants
I would like to thank several people for the help and support they provided as I wrote the manuscript. Jenna Dixon, Melissa Gregg, Nick Palaj, Ogake Angwenyi, and Sara Sim conducted research assistance at different moments through the process. John Harriss and Alec Dawson carved out space for me at Simon Fraser University’s School for International Studies, thereby offering vital material support. Discussions with Samir Gandesha helped clarify certain parts of the argument. I am grateful to Sandro Mezzadra and Manuela Bojadzijev for inviting me to the summer school “Expanding the Margins: Migrations, Mobilities, Borders” at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University, Berlin, in September 2014. I presented a version of this argument there and benefited from the questions and comments from participants—in particular, Ralph Litzinger and Stephen Scheel. I am grateful for Michelle Lipinski’s reliable and constructive editorial input throughout this book’s production. Jeff Wyneken’s copy-editing no doubt improved the flow of the text. I thank Merje Kuus for crucial support at home.