Table of Contents for Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide
Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide
A Biographical Dictionary, 1839-1865
Peter E. Palmquist and Thomas R. Kailbourn
Table of Contents for Knowledge and Money
Table of Contents for
Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide
Forward by Martha A. Sandweiss
Guide to the Main Entries
Biographical Dictionary
Anonymous Workers
APPENDIX 1: Photographic Partnership, Company, and Gallery Names to December 31, 1865: A Cross-Reference List
APPENDIX 2: Panoramas, Stereopticons, Cosmoramas, and Other Public Performances: A Cross-Reference List
APPENDIX 3: Women Workers
APPENDIX 4: Workers Known Only as "Artist"
APPENDIX 5: Geographical distribution of Workers