Contributors for The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment

The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment
Comparative Perspectives
Edited by Austin Sarat and Christian Boulanger
Contributors for

Contributors for

The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment

Sangmin Bae recently received her Ph.D. in political science from Purdue University and currently teaches at Butler University. Her research focuses on human rights norms and international relations theory. Her most recent article on capital punishment abolition in South Africa was published in the International Journal of Human Rights.

Christian Boulanger teaches sociolegal seminars at the Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Free University, Berlin. He is the editor (with V. Heyes and Ph. Hanfling) of Zur Aktualitat der Todesstrafe [On the topicality of capital punishment]. His academic interests include comparative research on capital punishment and legal transformation and judicial review in postcommunist and postauthoritarian countries.

Julia Eckert is senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle, Germany. She works on questions of legal anthropology, conflict theory, and anthropology of the state and democracy in South and Central Asia. Her current research project focuses on "Citizenship, Security and Democracy in India."

Agata Fijalkowski received her Ph.D. in Law from the University of London and is lecturer-in-law at Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Her research focuses on the legal transformation in postcommunist countries, as well as the criminal justice area, which includes the abolition of capital punishment in the postcommunist states.

Evi Girling, D.Phil (1993) in social anthropology, Oxford University (Linacre College), M.Phil (1988) in social anthropology, Oxford University (Linacre College), and BSc in biomedical engineering (1986) Duke University, is currently a lecturer in criminology at Keele University, England. She is the co-author (with Ian Loader and Richard Sparks) of Crime and Social Order in Middle England. Her publications to date have focused on the sociology of sensibilities toward crime and punishment, children's talk about punishment, and on European efforts to abolish the death penalty.

Virgil K.Y. Ho is associate professor of history at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is the co-author (with Goran Aijmer) of Cantonese Society in a Time of Change. He is the author of a number of historical articles, including "Butchering Fish and Executing Criminals: Public Executions and the Meanings of Violence in Late-Imperial China," in Goran Aijmer and Jon Abbink, eds., Meanings of Violence: A Cross Cultural Perspective.

David T. Johnson is associate professor of sociology and adjunct professor of law at the University of Hawaii. He is the author of The Japanese Way of Justice: Prosecuting Crime in Japan. In 2003-4, he received a Fulbright grant to do death penalty research in Japan and East Asia.

Botagoz Kassymbekova studied International Relations and Sociology at the American University—Central Asia and Cultural and Social History the University of Essex. She is also a senior editor of the Essex Human Rights Review and a co-founder of the Amnesty International Kyrgyzstan youth group. She is currently a research fellow at Freie Universitat Berlin studying the social history of guilt in Germany and the question of Russian "Germans'" immigration. Her research interests include Soviet history and social, cultural, legal, and political changes in the post-Soviet states.

Shai J. Lavi is a member of the Tel-Aviv University Law Faculty. He is the author of The Modern Art of Dying: The History of Euthanasia in the United States. He received a Fulbright scholarship and is a member of the young scholars group at the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Jürgen Martschukat is Heisenberg professor of the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" and teaches history at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He is the author of Inszeniertes Toten: Eine Geschichte der Todesstrafe vom 17.bix zum 19. Jahrhundert [Performances of execution in Germany] and Die Geschichte der Todesstrafe inNordamerika: Vonder Kolonialzeit bis zuzur Gegenwart [The history of capital punishmnet in North America and co-editor of Geschichtswissenschaft und performative turn: Ritual, biszenierung und Performanz vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit [Historiography and performative turn].

Alfred Oehlers is an associate professor in the Faculty of Business, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, where he teaches courses in international business and political economy. His research focuses on processes of economic, social, and political change in Southeast Asia, and most particularly, Singapore and Burma.

Judith Randle is a Ph.D. student in the Jurisprudence and Social Policy program at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research interests include capital punishment, crime victims' rights, and legal responses to child abuse.

Judith Mendelsohn Rood, Ph.D. in modern Middle Eastern history, University of Chicago, M.A. in Arabic studies, Georgetown University, and B.A. in history, New College, Sarasota, is associate professor of history and chair of the Department of History, Government, and Social Science at Biola University in La Mirada, California. She is the author of Sacred Law in the Holy City: The Khedival Challenge to the Ottomans as Seen from Jerusalem, 1829-1841, which analyzes the Muslim community's political and socioeconomic role in Jerusalem under Ottoman administration during the 1830s from a natural law perspective, using the archives of the Islamic court.

Austin Sarat is William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science at Amherst College. He is former president of the Law & Society Association and of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities. He is author of When the State Kills: Capital Punishment and the American Condition, and Mercy on Trial: What It Means to Stop an Execution.

Nicole Tarulevicz teaches Asian and twentieth-century world history at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests include constructions of Singapore's national past and future. She has been a visiting scholar in the History Department of the National University of Singapore and has also served as an editor of Melbourne Historical Journal.

Patrick Timmons is assistant professor of Latin American history at Augusta State University, Georgia. He is the organizer of the April 2004 Binational Conference, "The Death Penalty and Mexico-U.S. Relations" at the Mexican Center, University of Texas at Austin and curator of the exhibit, "La Ultima Pena: Five Centuries of Capital Punishment in Mexico" at the Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin.

Louise Tyler is an independent scholar. Her main area of focus is the synthesis of popular culture (cinema) with political rhetoric.

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