Table of Contents for Regimes of Description
Regimes of Description
In the Archive of the Eighteenth Century
Edited by John Bender and Michael Marrinan
John Bender and Michael Marrinan
Description: Fantasies of General Knowledge
Description by Omission: Nature Enlightened and Obscured
Lorraine Daston
Nature's Unruly Body: The Limits of Scientific Description
Londa Schiebinger
Mithridates in Paradise: Describing Languages in a Universalistic World
Jürgen Trabant
Between Political Arithmetic and Political Economy
Mary Poovey
Describing: Imagination and Knowing
Problems of Description in Art: Realism
Wolfgang Klein
Imagining Flowers: Perceptual Mimesis (Particularly Delphinium)
Elaine Scarry
Not Seeing the Laocoön: Lessing in the Archive of the Eighteenth Century
Wolfgang Ernst
Disparities between Part and Whole in the Description of Works of Art
Alex Potts
The Undescribed: Horizons of the Known
Between Mechanism and Romantic Naturphilosophie: Vitalizing Nature and Naturalizing Historical Discourse in the Late Enlightenment
Peter Hanns Reill
Transparency and Utopia: Constructing the Void from Pascal to Foucault
Anthony Vidler
Aesthetic Media: The Structure of Aesthetic Theory before Kant
David E. Wellbery